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Revolutionize Jewelry
Design with AI

Fast, smart, effortless, for pros and creators alike!

Automate your workflow

Generate unique designs in seconds

Refine with intelligent AI assistance

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Turn Your Ideas into
Realistic Renderings, Now.

Type, click, transform, AI brings ideas to life.

The All-Powerful
Jewelry AI Assistant

Text to Image → Transform words into stunning designs

Image to Text → Extract insights, refine with AI

Image to Image → Generate unique variations instantly

Text to Text → Craft compelling descriptions & marketing copy

One AI, limitless creativity.

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No problem!

No problem! Jewelry Hunt AI is your multilingual expert.
Just express your ideas clearly in your native language!

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Trusted by Users Worldwide

4 ways to create—seamlessly integrated into your workflow.

Generate pictures
from text with one

Generate with Text

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One-click image

Generate with Images

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Generate text from
pictures with one

Image Inspiration

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Enter words to get
more inspiration

Text Inspiration

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AI Subscription Service

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    $12.00 /month

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    Create 200 times for free

    4 images per creation

    Resolution: 1024*1024

    Get 800 stunning design images

  • Advanced version

    $30.00 /month

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    Free plan features, plus:

    Create 600 times for free

    4 images per creation

    Resolution: 1024*1024

    Get 2400 stunning design images

  • Business version

    $60.00 /month

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    Free plan features, plus:

    Create 1500 times for free

    4 images per creation

    Resolution: 1024*1024

    Get 6000 stunning design images






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