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About Lily Jay


“April 2016, I still remember the day I came out to my parents as a trans; as they embraced and accepted who I truly am, my heart is still full of warmth from that moment.”



Lily Jay – a Jewelry Hunt featured designer, who was born and raised in Oakland, California. She attended Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Lily Jay faces many challenges and discrimination on a daily basis as a trans. In this Q&A, we wish to tackle some of the misconceptions about transgender while also explore Lily Jay’s design approach.




When can a person know if they are trans?


Usually at a very young age, but one may not have the understanding to comprehend what it actually means at that moment, so many realise or come out during their teen or adulthood. A person must understand that there are no right or wrong ways to become a trans. However, coming out as a trans is not a choice or trend, therefore trans deserve to be treated with respect as everyone else.   


How did the idea of your brand “Lily Jay” came to you?


I created my brand based on the concept of “To break the cognition of gender”. I wanted Lily and Jay as one whole person with a perspective of both genders. Non-binary people aren’t currently recognised in most legislation around the world. Among many matters at hand, this means they must choose between ‘male’ and ‘female’ on official documents. The creation of “Lily Jay” is there to vague this unethical regulation.


What must a person need to go through to be recognize as a trans in daily life?


There are no “required” process or steps to take to become a trans. Any formality to express your gender identity can be your “first step”. There are no requirements for any surgery or medical intervention to be trans. Most media coverage focused on people’s body parts and surgical procedures, which is very dehumanizing.


Can you introduce us about some of your design elements?


I personally love metallic texture. The use of chains and lock-like component is my principal design ingredients. They represented the break-free spirit for the breaching of inadequate gender selection. I wish to exert these symbolisms into my works. 





Jewelry Hunt is fully supportive of non-binary community and the progressive movement for their rights. Lily Jay’s designs are not only tangible for the market, but also symbolized the interpretation of gender injustice and rights for binary identities.


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